La Posta Factoids

Price: $3.95 each, $7 for two, or $10 for three, plus $2.50 postage.

La Posta Publications Publisher Peter Martin announced the release of a new product intended to put, “Reference information at your fingertips.”

La Posta Factoids are pages with essential reference information. The 8-1/2 x 11 inch, double-sided, laminated, and three-hole-punched pages can be kept on a desktop, in a folder, or in a notebook.

La Posta Factoid #1 covers “Statehood Dates.” In addition to the territorial and statehood dates, information about formation history, statehood sequence, accepted state USPS and standard abbreviations, data related to the original 13 colonies, Washington, D.C., the Confederate states and unrecognized states and territories, are included.

La Posta Factoid #2 is titled “A U.S. Postal Alpha and Omega ” and includes is a list of United States postal firsts (alpha) and lasts (omega) compiled from a wide variety of sources.

La Posta Factoid #3 is "Calendars". Quickly find the day of the week for any date from 1776-2027. 

For more information contact: La Posta Publications, POB 6074 Fredericksburg, VA 22403, e-mail or visit the La Posta website at:

La Posta